Wednesday, 10 June 2009

this is one fly i like to use on my local river the Kelvin ,and it does well during most hatches and is a simply patter which is made up of the following.

hook- size 14

thread - black

body - pheasant tail

ribbing - gold fine wire

hackle - CDC and deer hair

the CDC is applied just before the deer hair and is weeped back to allow the placing of the deer hair which also gives it most of its buoyancy and the CDC acts as legs ,antenna etc!! and this seems to do the job time and time again .

here is another one of my river patterns that i call the paste brush fly as the upright is made of fine past brush bristle which floats grate just like deer hair but more buoyant.
paste brush dun
hook - size 12-16
thread - tan light
tail - paste brush bristles x 2
body - hares dubbing
rib - fine gold wire
wing - past brush bristle
sally Hansen's to finish.
these are both useful patterns that are easy to make and costs are low which always helps out guys.
i will be adding more of my flies as i add them to my collection an i feel i will continue to do as i have for as long as I've tied and make up my own idea of what i want in a fly which so far has kept me OK although i am now looking into improving my form etc!! and am looking at tying my flies in sets as to one of this and one of that as you will already know you get a much better fly when you do them over the top of each other ,like 4-6 in a batch all the same and then on to another and the same plan in used over and over which also helps you get a stock of flies tied for any outing you have in mind.

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